For Freelance Photographers ~How to get the best out of this Pandemic?


How to get the best out of this Pandemic?


How to get the best out of this Pandemic?

I am not a firm believer in locking down the entire nation. I have researched and understood there exists a lot of grey areas around the treatment and the tests. But I also believe in following orders that the government collectively decides.

So, how can freelancers survive this pandemic? 

First, by accepting the current situation as being beyond your control. And secondly, by not giving in to your feelings of frustration and anger at the situation. 

But, it's a waste of time and energy trying to discuss this situation on social media. The reality is that 99% of the population is living in fear and uncertainty. 80% of your clients have either postponed or canceled their plans. Once we have accepted this reality, we can move forward and use this time to our advantage.

My first advice is to not panic about finances. Allocate your money wisely. Understand that nobody is certain about the speed of recovery. It could happen very quickly or it could be a long-drawn-out affair. So, let us hope for the best and save every penny. 

Secondly, understand that brands and commercial clients will always have the need for promotions.

Weddings, events, family and kid portraits etc., too will start, albeit on a smaller scale perhaps. All these shoots are considered luxury services. Folks with money will continue to splurge on these services. 

Meanwhile, now is the time to focus on the areas you neglected due to the kind of engagement your profession needs. Use this time to plan and upgrade your services and skills. Re-brand yourself.  


  • Fix your website, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

  • Showcase your best works.

  • Synchronize your online portals.


  • Clean-up your drives.

  • Sort out data.

  • Organize your cloud sites.

Marketing and Advertising: 

There is no right or wrong time to advertise. Engage in meaningful marketing activities. Push your brand.

  • Work out your marketing plan.

  • Create an email list of all past clients. Collate all queries you ever received.

  • Touch base with any and all past clients by sending them gift vouchers for example. 

  • Learn to use apps like Canva for your promotional content. 


Improve your Photography by learning new skills to improve your lighting, editing, styling etc.. There are plenty of paid and free online portals and sites to choose from.

Learn how to make behind the scene & promotional VIDEOS-

  • use of continuous lights

  • how to achieve great sound

  • how to edit them etc.

Videos can be a great tool to market. Upgrade your skills while you have the time. 


Your first session post lockdown should include a behind the scenes video. This video should showcase the precautions you take against possible inflections to set your client's at ease. 

I consider this time a heaven-sent. There will be short term changes in the way we do business. I am a portrait and fashion photographer and I already have three queries lined up. There is going to be ample work post this lockdown. We need to be ready to grab any opportunities that come our way. 

Stay strong and set your mind to doing the things in your control right.


Behind the scene process of a Portraits shoot with Vidhi Thakur


“ Summer through my window “ with Alina